Sunday, November 22, 2009

Guy themed weekend

So what does a guy themed weekend involve? It involves how you start it & end it. It started Friday night at the Fox and the Hound having burger & beers with a couple fellas watching basketball. We then moved to a cigar bar for a smoke before calling it a night. Saturday was followed up with some college football, a work out, and poker with friends later that evening. Sunday involved watching a few NFL games & Boondock Saints II with my brother in law.

The perfect guy themed weekend entailed: beer, cigars, poker, sports & a violent movie. Let's not forget the most important ingredient...time spent with friends and family.

Thanks guys!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Instead of New Moon I had jazz!!!

So while all my female co-workers are out seeing the midnight screening of new moon & I went out to an upscale restuarant & lounge for a jazz show. It is very nice restuarant next to the most holy place in Denver (Sushi Den) on Pearl street. I think it will become a new favorite hangout for food & Jazz after work. It is called India's Pearl. I was there to support a local artist who is dating a friend of mine and I fell in love with the place.

If you are in the Denver Metro area and looking for a upscale Indian restuarant with a lounge upstairs that has music & sports games on T.V. check them out at

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


It has been quiet lately & not much has been going on. I feel like I should write something but there is almost nothing worth writing about except how times a day I brush my teeth!!! It's not that dull & boring but here is the latest...

Hung out with a friend & wandered around colfax one Saturday discovering half the homeless in down town Denver and some awful bars.

I drove all over Denver a couple nights trying to find 70's & 80's music for a retirement party.

This last weekend I was snowed in & did absolutely nothing all was fun!!

My car ended up undriveable a couple days as I cranked my parking brake so high it wouldn't come down without a dumbbell applied to the button to uncrank it.

Monday, November 09, 2009

How I spent one of the last warm weekends of the fall

Jogging & biking and exploring my neighbor hood!!!

Saturday I threw my bike in my truck and drove over to the platt river bike path. I rode along the path a few miles savoring orange & yellow trees in what will most likely be the last warm Saturday until spring. I have been dying to bike along the Platt river bike path as it is covers a large stretch of Denver and is incredibly gorgeous!! It runs through along a couple highways in an urban areas but is littered with small parks & open grassy areas.

Sunday I jogged around my neighbor hood and drove around one of my new favorite parks, Bear Creek Lake Park. It has incrediably long bike & jogging paths through a park filled with a sprawling hills, wooded areas, a couple lakes, and a golf course. I am sure most people on this side of town are into Chattfield but I am a fan of Bear Creek Lake Park. Hopefully I explore it some this week before the weather gets cold!!!

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

One of those days

Dear internet & web friends,

Do you ever have one of those days where you are couped inside all day & can't get outside? And it just so happens that it is a fabulously beautiful day? ARGH!!! If there was a great consiperacy theory that plagues me it is that there are sinister forces conspiring to keep me inside on a gorgeous day!!!

Get outside & enjoy some sunshine friends!! For your sanity!!!!!