Thursday, October 24, 2013

Dinner with an old friend

I had dinner with a friend I have not seen in a long time. I was surprised to hear her story since we had last spoke. She had been married twice and was taking college classes while on disability. The payments from disability paid her enough to pay her mortgage & there was some left over for her to live on. I knew she was not working but I did not know she was on disability. She was trying to stretch out college classes to last a few years until her girls would be older and in high school. Life had been a crazy ride for Liz and I was not sure how much better it could get for her.

She is in a much better place emotionally as she is no longer dating just to date and is happy being single as it gives her time to get to know herself. She makes it sound like she is on the road to achieving balanced emotional & mental health. I hope she is doing well. It was interesting to sit with her and chat for a few hours to catch up and find out all that has happened in life. She has lived more than I have but I still have few regrets about the life choices I have made. I would have liked to have been married but relationships can be difficult and they require lots of work.

I know that ten to fifteen years ago I never imagined I would be living & doing what I am doing now. How life turned out for Liz was not much of a surprise for me. I am curious when I will see her again and if I will recognize her. I am curious if she will continue to pursue balanced emotional health. I hope so and I hope the next time we meet she has good stories to share.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

I killed my Roomie

I think I accidently killed Harry one mornning. I saw a spider on the bathroom floor and my instincts to step on it were moving quicker then my memory of naming the spider in the bathroom Harry and wanting to have him as a room mate. The last few mornings I have looked around for Harry and have not seen him so I am afraid that the little guy who held such promise, to more than a spider, died like a spider.

I am sorry Harry & may you rest in peace.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fun weekend

Last weekend was spent in an enjoyable manner! Saturday drove out to Red rocks to run the stairs & get exercise. Afterwards I drove around Idaho Springs enjoying seeing the leaves changing colors to a bright yellow. I had dinner with my Dad and saw a movie later that night. All in all, a wonderful Saturday!

Friday, October 04, 2013

I confess

While walking by a spa this evening I saw the words Manicure and Pedicure and realized they are short for the phrases mani and pedi which I hear often from women.

The phrases Mani & Pedi frighten me. I don't know why but they do scare me!

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Cafe 180

The first café I tried in Englewood is Café 180. Aside from fresh delicious food what is noticeable about them is their unique philosophy. They give patrons a variety of payment options. Anything from paying all of one's tab and a little extra for someone else to paying part of one's tab and volunteering in the restaurant for an hour in exchange for one's tab. The food is great & it is not very crowded so I will most likely return. If you are off south broadway and want to try great food at an establishment that gives back to the community try Café 180.