Monday, November 29, 2010

Hilarious political ramblings

While hanging out with a couple friends this week one used the phrase Black Jesus to refer to President Obama. It was really funny at the time and I have never heard anyone use that phrase while referring to President Obama so it stuck in my mind.

A few days later I went out on a date with a girl who I know supports Obama and may have voted for Obama. Every time we stopped talking the phrase Black Jesus popped into my head and I wanted to scream "Black Jesus can't save the economy" or "Black Jesus can't save the US". Which is inappropriate and I refrained from saying such things. While I did not say them I could not get those phrases out of my mind so I kept giggling to myself through out the date. My date did not notice me giggling so it was not a big deal.

While the date did not go insanely well at least I did not say or yell all the crazy sayings in my head. If I had said them I am sure she would never speak to me ever again. The fact that I have these type of sitautions come up on dates my point to a need for counseling.

If these urges come up on other dates then at least I know why I'm single & Black Jesus can't get me a date!!

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Google searches

So today while checking out slogans in Google I came across a funny entry. If you have never left the auto populate or auto complete function on for Google then you are missing out. This function will show previous searches based off what you are currently typing in the search field. I believe they show the most popular searches. I usually type my entry into the search field slow just so I can see what searches are popular.

Today while entering in a how to question of the searches that came up was how long before zombies decay. Which struck me as extremely funny! What would people think about that would lead them to search for this on Google? It may imply there are people out there who are thinking through killing a zombie and wonder how long do they hide the corpse? Maybe someone already killed a zombie and wonder how long before the evidence is gone?

It is so random I and out there it makes me laugh when I think about it. How long before a zombie decays?