Independent Film Screening...Now I am cool
Being able to say I have attended a film screening for an independent movie makes me sound cool. Probably only to artsey film & college kids and independent film makers but it I think it makes me sound cool...or like I have nothing else to do...wait a minute...
A friend of mine's brother lived in a L.A. for a few years and is a film maker. He usually works in comedy but had to do a film about L.A. While making this film he was working through some personal issues as well as influenced by the L.A. culture. His movie was a bunch of stories of various vampires in L.A. They were all connected in a way by characters but it was not really about vampires. There were good people and many vampires who were lost and of course one evil one. Mainly the movie was about all the hurtful things people do to each other which is true of life but also a commentary on L.A.(so the film maker says).
I can't relate to the vampire idea too much but I can relate to the piece of people hurting each other and people being lost and all the bad things they do while searching for something. I am amazed at how many times I have found myself considering doing something that would or could hurt someone. These things are never nefarious or egregious. Usually I'm not thinking about the other person's best interests and it is more of a loss of awareness of others. I have always thought the most selfish people are those who do so on purpose. I can be plenty selfish just by getting wrapped up in my own interests and not thinking of others.
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