The couple I rent from had the carpet replaced with wood flooring. The guy who did the job left all the carpet in the garage with instructions to leave it out with the garbage so the trash men can pick it up. He recommended leaving a little out each week and by doing so all of it could be disposed off by the local garbage pick up with in a months.
It sounds like a good idea but at the time I was house sitting far away from home so I could not set the trash out each week. Since the couple I rent from return soon and I have not been able to set out the carpet it is still sitting in their garage. Which is a problem as there is not much space in the garage and they seem to need all the space they can get when they unpack after returning home from a trip. So now I have only a couple weeks to get rid of a huge pile of carpet pieces.
If you have ever watched the TV show Dexter, you are familiar with Dexter's routine of disposing the bodies of his victims by dumping them into the sea from his boat late at night. He has found a neat & tidy way of getting rid of evidence. I decided to be like Dex and start dumping the carpet in various garbage bins late at night. It is an odd feeling to drive up to a large garbage bin, pop my trunk and hustle to lug a couple loads of carpet into a dumpster with in a minute or so while wondering if anyone is watching me or if it is illegal and what type of consequences I could face for dumping waste into a public or private dumpster.
I am sure what I'm doing would be more thrilling if it there were more to it than getting rid of shredded carpet. There is no way to glamorize dumping waste in a dumpster which is probably a petty offense no one cares about. Since that is all I am doing and I am blogging about it I realize I am not very adventurous & I have no life. None what so ever!
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